近日,裸聊直播天体物理张雪光团组在天文学著名期刊《MNRAS》上发表了题为“在1.9型活动星系中基于双峰宽发射线对中心尘埃环张角测量的可行性研究”(A practicable method to estimate opening angle of central dust torus in type-1.9 AGN with double-peaked broad Hα)的研究性文章。
Fig. 1:Top panels show the best fitting results (solid red line) to the emission lines (solid dark green line), and bottom panels show the corresponding residuals. In top left panel, solid blue line shows the determined narrow H$\beta$, solid green lines show the determined [OIII] doublet. In top right panel, solid blue line shows the determined narrow Hα, solid cyan line shows the determined double-peaked broad Hα described by the elliptical accretion disk model, solid green lines show the determined [OI], [NII] and [SII] doublets, dashed purple lines show the determined broad Hα described by two broad Gaussian functions. In each bottom panel, horizontal dashed lines show residuals=0,±1, respectively.
Fig. 2: posterior distributions of the model parameters determined by the MCMC technique.